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How Long Does Alcohol Stay In Our Bodies?

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How Long Does Alcohol Stay In Our Bodies?

Consuming alcohol has become an addiction for a large chunk of the population across the world. There are many reasons associated with consuming alcohol: stress, maintaining a posh lifestyle, partying, etc. while some do it in moderation or occasionally, steadily a large portion of the active working population of the world has become addicted to it. Alcoholism is on the rise. We assume that consuming alcohol is quite okay as its effects wear off the next morning or afternoon. But is it so? We at The Luminous care, Alcohol Rehab centre in Florida aim to understand this as well as ensure complete detoxification.

So, How long does alcohol stay in our bodies?

This largely depends on various factors like age, sex, metabolism, health conditions, drinking patterns and lifestyle.

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Generally, it takes about 30 seconds for the alcohol to enter our stomach and small intestine. From there on it reaches the bloodstream, liver, and brain.

  1. Metabolism: This affects the circulation of alcohol in the body. The enzymes in the liver metabolise the alcohol. It is important to note that the liver can filter out only a small quantity at a time. Thus, leaving most of it to flow in our bloodstream.
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    People with rapid metabolism rates tend to absorb alcohol faster and thus, they recover better. However, that is not the case with slow or average metabolic rates. The longer it takes to break down, the longer it stays in the bloodstream, gives or takes 12 hours to 15 hours atleast.

  2. Age: Alcohol stays in the body of an elderly individual longer because of the slow metabolism process. This means the liver and other organs like kidneys and heart are at a higher risk of severe diseases.
  3. Quantity: it is estimated that metabolism is directly linked with the number of drinks one consumes. The more one consumes (say with slow metabolism) the longer it stays in the body, affecting the body organs severely.
  4. Binge Drinking: this is a recent lifestyle pattern that has gripped the youth, who find solace in drinking alcohol regularly. Over time, the quantity of alcohol intake increases and thus leads to alcohol poisoning or alcoholism. This means that alcohol is a permanent part of your body and blood system that isn’t getting flushed out ever.

So speaking in statistical terms, alcohol stays in the body for:

  • Blood: 6 hours
  • Breath:12-24 hrs
  • Urine: 12- 72 hrs
  • Saliva:12- 24 hours
  • Hair: 90 days

So What can be done?

The Luminous Care, Alcohol Rehab Florida suggests a few tips to ensure that people do not get trapped in the vicious cycle of alcoholism, drinking alcohol moderately and reducing the quantity, consuming food with alcohol to reduce intoxication effects as well as speed up metabolism, doing yoga and exercise regularly.

When we say tailor-made, it doesn’t mean that an outpatient program would facilitate you to booze off at night and go for treatment during the day. No! Tailor-made defines a program that is designed as per your addiction treatment. When you indulge in an inpatient program, you are exposed to numerous group settings, peers and other environmental influences that might not complement you. With outpatient programs, we are able to tailor everything, from individual counselling to family therapy and much more. You would be able to get personalised attention with customised treatment to treat addiction accordingly.

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If the addiction isn’t acute or when a person is transitioning from an inpatient program, outpatient treatment has proven to be a sure option.

Call us now – 833-422-5585 or For more information enquire us at info@localhost