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How does EMDR Therapy support me in my recovery?

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How does EMDR Therapy support me in my recovery?

Did you know traumatic events can embark and deep-rooted footprints in life?
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The outer sheath might look ironed, but inner has crumbled and deteriorates mental health to a very extent. Traumatic events trigger when walking down with painful memories, symptoms, hearing from friends about it, unexpectedly witnessing a dead body, violent assault, disaster, accident, and much more. Revoking triggers is proof that we aren’t healed from within. An EMDR Therapy Near Me is a bedrock that can help you overcome these emotional and mental pains while healing the inner soul to sustain for the long term.

How Does EMDR Therapy Make a Difference in Addiction and Recovery?

Addiction is a serious condition that has impacted numerous people worldwide. Addiction is a disease that is caused due to myriad causes, and one of them is the negative effects of Trauma. People who have experienced Trauma, negative emotions, stress, or anxiety always use substances to mask the undergoing chaos. These negative emotions are tied to past traumas and often create pains that are hard to overcome. However, a EDMR therapy would help you detach from painful memories and symptoms and vent out the agony, the angst stored inside.

EDMR has shown strong recovery rates; about 80 to 90 percent of civilians are recovered from PTSD after four to seven sessions.

Patients who have undergone traumatic and negative emotions are often shackled with pains, misery, anxiety, and other debilitating effects. With EDMR Therapy Near me, they can relieve themselves from the burden of emotions tied to the past and manage accordingly. But you need the help of EDMR Therapists who can help you steer the boat in the right direction.

Where can I find an EMDR Therapists Near Me to overcome past events and addiction?

Although, no one is born with traumas and negated emotions; a trauma can change the life and pilot in an upturned way. EMDR Therapy Near Me uses detailed protocols and procedures that are backed by clinicians and therapists who help clients activate their healing process.

But still, how is it done?

EMDR Therapy in Florida integrated three apex protocols –

  • The past events that have spurred dysfunction are processed, creative new associative links with adaptive information.
  • The current circumstances that push distress are focused and desensitized.
  • Creating templates of future events that help clients assist in acquiring skills needed for adaptive functioning.

Emotional pains take a long time to recover and heal. EDMR therapy shows that the mind can heal from emotional and psychological trauma but definitely needs professional support or the help of therapies.
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Imagine you have a wound, and pricing every day can never make it heals. The same applies to addiction and traumatic events until it’s not blocked; the wound festers and causes intense suffering.

Usually, EDMR Therapists Near Me undertake around 6 to 12 sessions which are broken down into once or twice per week. However, it varies from apple to apple. Some people experience benefits in the early stages, while for others, it takes a bit longer.

An EDMR Therapists Near Me would determine the plan based on the following:

  1. History and Treatment Planning
  2. Client Preparation
  3. Target Memory Assessment
  4. Desensitization Through Eye Movements
  5. Installation
  6. Body Scan
  7. Closure
  8. Reevaluation

At The Luminous Care center, We integrate EMDR therapy in conjunction with other behavioral therapies to reverse the ill effects of Trauma or negative emotions. Therapists and medical professors who handle EDMR therapy for addiction treatment help clients to address their root causes and steer their boats in a positive and better way.

Where To Find A Therapist that collectively works with EMDR and Addiction?

The Luminous Care is renewed for its Trauma focused approach to substance abuse treatment. Our professionals and therapists conjunctively work with clients and provide them best treatments that work for their addiction and Trauma entangled with it or vice versa.

What is the level of care provided at our Addiction Treatment Center Include?

  • Drug and Alcohol Detox
  • Residential Treatment Programs
  • Partial Hospitalization
  • Intensive Outpatient Programs
  • Outpatient Programs
  • Sober Living Residences
  • Continuing Care
  • Dual Diagnosis Treatment
  • Holistic Therapies
  • Aftercare and more

You deserve a life that is emotionally safe and mentally stress-free. You dont need to self-medicate, but the right approaches are from an addiction treatment center in Florida and EMDR therapists near me. At The luminous Care we are there for you.
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