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Coronavirus outbreak creates new challenges for addiction recovery

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Coronavirus outbreak creates new challenges for addiction recovery

Does the present isolation situation an opportunity to quit drinking, to detoxify? What about those addicted to banned drugs and psychotropic substances? There were questions for those under rehab too – will they be able to attend therapy sessions, how difficult would it be to get to the counselor and whether medicines to cope with withdrawal – not readily stocked by most local pharmacies – would be easily available?

And one section that needs support more than ever in a time of lockdown is people recovering from drug and alcohol addiction. The World Health Organisation (WHO) recently shared their concern for the importance of drug and alcohol addiction treatment services to help people stay in recovery are still available during the coronavirus crisis or not.

People who have existing alcohol addiction – drug addiction issues and are isolating at home will not have the distractions that normal life provides. They might be tempted to use alcohol as a way of filling this void, or coping with being cooped up in a stressful environment. Substance misuse services and therapies may also not be able to provide to them with the usual level of support during the current crisis.

People with addictions often report self-isolating as a sign that they are not coping well. The current unprecedented situation will undoubtedly make this much more challenging.”

Financial pressure will put a huge strain on some people, and they will be forced to be at home together. There are also the people in recovery who live alone and don’t have to be accountable to anyone but themselves.”

However, for recovery addicts who are self-isolating with another person, communication is even more critical at a time like this.

These are unprecedented times. But we remain optimistic: with widespread implementation of social distancing, hand hygiene, cough/sneeze etiquette and the other precautions laid out by the WHO, we’ll be able to flatten the curve and provide a safe environment for all members of our local and global communities. Be safe, everyone. Call us now – 833-422-5585or For more information enquire us