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Where can I find the best Out-patient Detox & Rehab program in Sycamore?

Luminous Care offers a most innovative and comprehensive approach to assisting people who are struggling with the devastating, long-term effects of addiction. We have been providing service in Sycamore for more than five years, helping countless individuals reclaim their lives from the grip of debilitating addictions.

Our multidisciplinary team of doctors, therapists, nurses and other healthcare professionals utilizes a combination of treatment therapies – individual counseling sessions with a therapist, group support meetings in which a person shares his or her experiences with others who have also suffered from the same addiction(s), counselling sessions which occur in an intimate setting without distraction or interruption – to break free from the chains of abuse once and for all so that they may live happily, healthy and productive lives imbued with happiness and fulfilment!

When you enter this program, our team will support you with the symptoms of withdrawal. Since you are entering this experience knowing that there shall be short-term negative outcomes, it is best to expect them at first then they are easier to work through.

Our therapist might introduce coping skills that are familiar with body sensations which enable emotive pain not to escalate. He helps our clients with time management and mental exercises which guide them through the steps of every day until they’ve become so accustomed to the routine they’ve turned all their attention toward healing techniques.

Luminous Care is the best Detox and rehab center in Sycamore. Our campus provides the ideal backdrop for you to fully engage in your recovery, mind, body and spirit – away from the stress, triggers and temptations of everyday life. Our uncomplicated holistic approach gives those battling addiction a chance to invest in their own personal growth as they heal from the inside out. Please do not hesitate to call now to speak with an admissions counselor at if you or a loved one needs assistance with a substance abuse problem. Call us now – 833-422-5585 or For more information enquire us at info@localhost