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Psychological and Social Factors that Lead to Self-destructive Substance Addiction

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Psychological and Social Factors that Lead to Self-destructive Substance Addiction

These days, we have been witnessing abnormal shifts in the graph of human behaviour and it’s characteristics particularly in the first world countries where technological and scientific advancement is at its best.

When we start discussing substance addiction or it’s abusing the first thing comes to mind is why people choose the life-threatening path of addiction in the hope to make their life better and the contradiction is the betterment never accomplishes. A psyche inclined to drugs when a person experience loneliness, repressed, inferiority, and sometimes for the ecstasy of higher degree than of average. This can be categorized into two prime characteristic

  • Social prospect
  • Psychological Perception

Social prospect

In the contemporary world where we have been approaching to the Artificial Intelligence, Nanotechnology and numerous remarkable achievements but the establishment of equality based on economic and social status are yet to be done. Some surveys indicated that sometimes these discriminatory acts bring inferiority complex in a harassed individual that leads to depression which creates a random thought and concern and the individuals opt for substance use to escape this, though it would be momentary.

Psychological Perception

In the 21st century, we are interconnected with the people across the globe as never before.

Social media users and adolescents are a major part of this, spend a considerable fraction of their time on these online web portals. In 2019, nearly 35 per cent of those in school grades 8, 10, and 12 had consumed illegal drugs at least once in their lives.

Studies have observed a strong link between social media and an increased risk of depression, anxiety, loneliness, self-harm, and even suicidal thoughts. Social media may stimulate negative experiences such as Inadequacy about your life or aspects and survey presents the evidence of Dopamine release in the brain of social media users which develops addiction similar to that of any addiction triggering substance.

In Neuroscience Dopamine described as the hormone is a hormone and a neurotransmitter that plays several important roles in the brain and body and it acts as neurotransmitter send signals to other nerves. When a user takes the dose of drug or alcohol it makes them feel the better cause of Dopamine release and consistent use of the substance make this less intense successively and now user requires bigger dose to release the same fraction of Dopamine, result into addiction.

In the USA The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 eventually relaxed the harshness of the Harrison Act which formerly criminalized Opioids. After this opioids had been used as a prescription drug function as a painkiller. Later people started taking a larger fraction of opioids than prescribed to create ecstasy which ends up made them substance abuser but the big bell still ringing What should we do to prevent this life intimidating disaster.

Above all, One should proactively approach to a Characteristic based counselling if their loving ones are reflecting symptoms of depression and then proceed further as required.


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