Where can I find the best Out-patient Detox & Rehab program in Bethlehem?
People are more drunk than ever nowadays. They believe, “Alcohol is our companion.” But sometimes they forget about the risk of addiction. If they do not look out for themselves in time, their body will be used to it and will keep demanding for alcohol even when it’s not needed nor wanted!
This is why detoxification is recommended post-detoxification (now that this country is looking after the addicts) since some mild withdrawal symptoms may last up to three weeks or more after successful detoxification; especially for those stopping any drug dependency with rapid taper programs lasting only a few days.
Luminous Care is the best rehabilitation center in Bethlehem when it comes to giving clients their lives back. Here, we provide not only the cheapest rehab services but also allow patients to work at their own pace when it comes to getting well; their treatment will take 5 days up to 14 days which is why we give them the option of staying in our rehab center for as long as they like.
We eliminate drugs completely out of one’s system within this time period without any side-effects and know how hard it can be after stopping because people tend to go through drug withdrawal symptoms once they come off something addictive. But here at Luminous Care in Bethlehem, we help patients with post-rehab support because there are times that people feel like giving up again!
Our expert staff works closely with clients even after rehab so that they don’t return back to old habits because knowing how much work it took for them just to get sober helps us understand just why it’s so hard to stay sober.
We understand what the patient is going through and thankfully appreciate all that they have gone through in order to finally get treatment at our facility. We want to reassure them that we are here whenever they need anything, whether it’s before or after surgery or even just when they are having trouble getting around in their recovery. Call us now – 833-422-5585 or For more information enquire us at info@localhost