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Point Clear

Popular Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center in Point Clear

Point Clear, Alcohol and drug addiction can be devastating for many reasons, not necessarily the least of which is due to the nature of addiction itself. Alcoholics can become a social burden as they may start developing poor lifestyle habits. They will most likely end up eating unhealthy food and keeping irregular sleeping hours.

Psychologically, they might also become insecure and anxious, and they could develop serious physical illnesses associated with substance abuse such as cancer and organ damage. As a preventable illness, you need professional help to get over your alcohol or drug-related problems. Luminous Care provides the best care in the Point Clear area for people who are seeking treatment for their addiction-related disorders.

Luminous Care is an easy-to-access rehab facility in Point Clear that can help you overcome your addiction to drugs or alcohol. Our solutions are tailored to each client’s specific needs, which ensures we can provide the most effective individualized care possible. Each client is given a multidisciplinary approach that enables them to move towards their goals of sobriety with minimal hassle.

Led by a group of dedicated staff members, a patient at our facility has access to multiple therapies as well as a personalized drug and alcohol treatment plan. We educate everyone on the consequences of self-medicating when struggling with addiction, provide opportunities for patients to form support groups outside of treatment, and encourage participation in relapse prevention sessions so our clients know how to handle it when they fall off the wagon!

We know the importance of life’s journey and the challenges associated with change. To support our clients, we use clinical methods that have been proven effective over time, tailoring them to each person’s unique lifestyle and needs. With years of experience, our team is ready to meet your needs at every stage of your recovery from drug or alcohol addiction at Luminous Care.

Call us now – 833-422-5585 or For more information enquire us at info@theluminouscare.com