Which is the trusted drug and alcohol addiction treatment center in Wiscon?
It’s not every day someone who has been carrying a heavy addiction burden decides to work hard at changing their life by receiving treatment. It takes a certain kind of person. If you feel like this is you and would like to quit cold-turkey before making the transition into more positive habits, Luminous Care which is the best Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Wiscon is here for you. We were designed especially for those looking for faith-based help with their issues. Many studies have shown that being around other people dealing with similar issues can often be very helpful in making strides towards change because they understand what you’re going through as they go through the exact same thing.
Our staff specializes in serving patients based on our 12-step recovery program which helps treat patients with dual diagnosis (mental illness and addiction) as well as help those overcome the consequences of drug/alcohol abuse and re-enter society’s workforce. We offer our inpatient treatment facility for those who need a more intensive, structured focus on living soberly after addiction that will serve as a gateway to transition into a life free from drugs or alcohol.
Luminous Care is the best Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Wiscon which provides inter-disciplinary services for youths, adults and families struggling to deal with the high teen drop out rates in the lower mainland. The primary drugs of abuse for our youth clients are hydromorphone, heroin (brown sugar), crystal meth, cocaine (rock) and marijuana.
During their stay we offer cognitive behavioral therapy, equine therapy, roller coaster therapy as well as adventure activities such as hiking and backpacking trips which combine nature along with Cognitive behavioral therapeutic techniques used by practitioners to help individuals learn coping skills to counter natural high risk behavior patterns that often lead to relapse but also mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety disorders and post traumatic stress disorder along with other co-occurring disorders such as schizophrenia or particular personality disorders. Call us now – 833-422-5585 or For more information enquire us at info@localhost