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Intensive Outpatient Treatment (IOP)

Opt for Professional Intensive Outpatient Treatment from The Luminous Care

Are you struggling with any mental health problem or addiction, you need to opt for professional help as soon as possible. It’s quite essential for a fast recovery process. We at The Luminous Care are a renowned drug and rehab center in Florida. We are keen to assist patients with fully comprehensive support that can match the individual needs of every single patient. We never leave any stone unturned to empower individuals and assist them in the best possible manner in reclaiming their lives and helping them get rid of addiction fast.

We at The Luminous Care offer an intensive outpatient treatment program with a personalized approach. Our team has vast experience in offering evidence-based therapies with complete compassionate care. We cater to patients with full flexibility. Those who undergo the treatment program can avail of the flexibility to maintain their day-to-day routines and also responsibilities while getting complete intensive therapeutic support.

What Our Intensive Outpatient Treatment Include

We provide intensive outpatient treatment that includes different types of mental health issues and substance abuse, but certainly not limited only to drug addiction, alcoholism, anxiety, depression, trauma-related disorders, etc. Patients can get a wonderful chance to get crucial insights with the help of group counseling, individual therapy sessions, holistic wellness activities, and more.

Our treatment approach mainly includes dialectical behavior therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, mindfulness practices, etc. We work with a holistic approach and never leave any stone unturned to match the expectations of our patients. We are familiar with the interconnectedness of body, mind, and also spirit, which play a vital role in the overall healing process.

An individual who participates in the outpatient treatment program can get a chance to participate in various activities such as meditation, yoga, art therapy, recreational outings, and more. We provide proper well-being and also stress management of patients. We have a dedicated team that consists of dedicated professionals who work with the commitment to provide personalized care with a great commitment to unweaving support. We work with the commitment to offer you the best treatment with long-lasting recovery.

How We Start Intensive Outpatient Treatment

We have a group of professionals who initiate intensive outpatient treatment with an initial assessment with a proper strategy. Our professionals make a thorough assessment to get crucial details related to mental health conditions, co-occurring conditions, current symptoms, etc. of any individual. It determines the readiness of an individual and also suitability for intensive outpatient care.

After completion of an individual assessment, an individual patient is now ready for intensive outpatient treatment. We then develop a personalized treatment plan accordingly. Our plan defines the specific goal, modalities, and interventions, tailored to the needs and situation of individuals. Our program session is generally scheduled multiple times a week. It also tends to vary based on the actual duration depending on the program intensity.

We provide ongoing assessments that our medical professionals conduct to analyze progress and then also adjust accordingly based on the needs of the treatment plan. Our team works with a collaborative approach while ensuring every individual gets the required support and resources, which are quite essential to finding their ultimate treatment goal. It also helps them maintain a long-term recovery.

Causes of Intensive Outpatient Treatment

There are several causes responsible for intensive outpatient treatment. Let’s have a look at some of the most common causes.

  • Drug addiction
  • Substance abuse
  • Mental health disorders
  • Dual diagnosis
  • The transition from residential treatment
  • Prevention of relapse
  • Lack of access to patient care
  • Any legal issues

Signs and Symptoms of Intensive Outpatient Treatment

Several signs and symptoms indicate an individual needs intensive outpatient treatment. Let’s find out some common ones.

  • Impaired functioning
  • Mood swing
  • Financial problem
  • Legal issue
  • Regular substance use
  • Social isolation
  • Physical health declines
  • Loss of control’
  • Relationship strain
  • Poor decision making

Get in touch with us for the world-class intensive outpatient treatment program. You can contact us either by calling at 833-422-5585 or mailing at info@theluminouscare.com

Partners in Your Recovery

No matter who you are and the type of addiction problem, taking the first step is courageous, and it can change your life. Every path towards addiction is different; every story and pain is different. We don't judge anyone; we help them heal with custom-curated treatment plans that are carefully evaluated as per individual needs and goals. We take a whole-person approach to heal and recover in the physical, mental and emotional aspects.

We Accept Insurance:

Treating addiction and mental health requires not only physical but financial support too. We work with patients and insurance providers to cut off their out-of-the-pocket costs for quality treatment. We cover various and significant plans, carriers and deductibles so you can achieve the best benefit of coverage and heal peacefully.

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