What is 12-Step Recovery Program and how does it help in Drug & Alcohol Addiction?
12-Steps Program is one of the oldest treatment programs created by Alcoholic Anonymous which is considered as the standard for recovery from addiction. Luminous Care is the Best Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Tarpon Springs that offers 12 step recovery plan along with various other treatments and therapy options to help achieve lasting recovery.
12-Step Recovery Program is used as a tool to help the addict understand the journey into, during and after recovery. Luminous Care, Cocoa offers the 12-Step Program under the guidance of experienced specialists to provide the individual with the needed support, encouragement and accountability to overcome addiction. The basic premise of this model is based on spiritual principles, but it doesn’t affiliate with any sect, religion or any other form of organization or institution. Infact, non- religious individuals too have found the program immensely helpful. We use this program so individuals can help one another achieve and maintain abstinence from substance use.
It encourages peer-support and self-help programs designed to help drive behavioral change. It contributes to positive mental health and can contribute to long-term recovery. We guide our patients through these 12 steps in a nurturing and healing environment. We also bring AA and NA meetings to our centre and provide transportation to these meetings outside of the centre as well. Our program helps one determine their addiction, relate it to others without any judgment & learn from other people’s experiences to handle certain situations.
12-step Program provides a framework on which to surrender to one’s addiction, process the experience, move forward into new patterns by following mental and emotional transformative practices and methods to overcome Drug & Alcohol Addiction & find a path to recovery. Luminous Care is the Best Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Tarpon Springs which is committed to offer best service and treatments. Call us now – 833-422-5585 or For more information enquire us