Which is the best Detox Center for Drug and Alcohol Addiction in Sumner?
People who suffer from substance abuse are more likely to have another medical issue in conjunction with their addiction.
The number of hours someone spends in detoxification depends on several factors.
At Luminous Detox Center for Drug and Alcohol Addiction in Sumner, you’ll find that the group sessions don’t end – they evolve into free aftercare sessions that include relapse prevention plans designed specifically for each participant in order to outline the best ways to avoid returning to old habits.
If a person abuses or is addicted to drugs, alcohol, or both, then that person has a long road to take in order to reach medical stability again. Research shows that the severity of the dependency as well as the amount of substances in their body will play a role in how much time it takes to achieve such an important milestone.
The different types of drugs and alcohol present will also affect one’s chances at recovering successfully.
Another thing we can do to help you recuperate and recover first and foremost is by providing you with our care and support for your specific needs because we know what it takes at Luminous Care in Sumner.
We are a research-based and recovery-oriented facility that offers a variety of therapies and treatment options to give you the chance to find what works best for you. Each client has an experience tailored to their needs, with direct care based around what treatment program they need most: dual diagnosis (mental illness and addiction), 12-step (addiction treatment centred on Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous, etc.), or DBT (Dialectical Behaviour Therapy).
Our residents will partake in healing programs, alternative meditation exercises such as yoga and mindfulness, exercise classes such as kickboxing and weight training, and outdoor activities like fishing and hiking depending on the season.
Call us now – 833-422-5585 or For more information enquire us