No. 1 Rehab for Drug & Alcohol Addiction in Roanoke
Roanoke, When choosing a rehabilitation treatment center for alcoholism, it is important to appreciate the variety of treatment modalities and programs that are either tailored specifically to one’s specific reasons for falling victim to addiction or otherwise meant for addressing the root causes of co-occurring disorders alongside addiction.
To help your chances of recovery from addiction through effective choice counseling and therapy, Luminous Care – our drug and alcohol rehabilitation center near Roanoke- offers unique, comprehensive, and holistic treatment modalities plus compassionate counseling plans along with 12-step support groups which are all aimed at helping you achieve sobriety as soon as possible.
Our healthcare providers are committed to a holistic approach in helping their patients achieve the desired results. We only hand out pills, we never recommend unhealthy habits like resorting to substance abuse. Yes, we can help our clients make healthier choices by focusing on developing skill sets that help you avoid the temptation of falling back into old habits like smoking or taking substances into your system against medical advice.
At the same time, we also focus on building strong social support systems for our patients so that they feel supported even when it comes down to facing their challenges alone! A combination of therapies helps combine these approaches with brief interventions and relapse prevention skills that allow us to gradually acclimate you to everyday life one day at a time!
Luminous Care is the best Detox and Rehab center in Roanoke which uses a multidisciplinary approach for drug and alcohol rehabilitation, offering a full quantum of care by evaluating and assessing the individual, their level of addiction,n and overall health before prescribing any medication and crafting a treatment plan.
Each member of our team has been trained to work with drug/alcohol addicts/alcoholics/ alcohol abusers who are addicted to drugs /alcohol, tranquilizers, or prescription medications; additionally, we consider patients who are suffering from co-morbid psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, etc…the list goes on actually.
Call us now – 833-422-5585 or For more information enquire us at