What is in one glass of alcohol? Just a drink doesn’t do any harm! This one glass, if not kept under perfect monitoring can lead to addiction, glass after glass.
It is often considered a refreshing end to the day with happy hours and friends
Even red wine is considered healthy for the heart when consumed in moderation. But how can one decide on moderation?
When does it convert into a problem? Especially with male alcohol consumption that is widely acceptable, where to draw a line? Often the line hazes out, without realization.
Men often give reasons like they want to drown away from the worries and fears of life or because others are drinking, it is social etiquette, may use it as a coping mechanism and various other reasons where it is noted that men drink a lot more alcohol even when women were binge drinking more often.
Men are socialized to be independent and gender-specific expectations lead to turmoil, suppressing their emotions and worsening the use of alcohol abuse. Men facing alcohol disorder often are found to be highly irritable, easily agitated, engaged in reckless behaviour and other such irresponsible and unreasonable actions make it essential for the timely and effective treatment plan to be put in place for the wellbeing of all.
Men often face various medical and health problems, many of which are often irreversible. They get prone to chronic liver problems, psychotic manifestations, seizures, memory or cognitive loss, heart failure amongst a few.
Along with this, they also fall prey to effects such as unnecessary spending on alcohol even after knowing the financial shortcomings, losing a job or marital bliss are some social implications of this disorder.
Timely and personalized treatment help effectively manage alcoholism in men. Men often find it difficult to seek help as compared to women, so rehab centres and detox under professional guidance helps them recover from the self-loathing phase, helping them manage themselves more constructively and positively.
Early recognition of the signs and symptoms that lead to alcoholism and desire and willingness to treat the same, will help lead a better life.