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Isle of Hope

Most Comprehensive Drug Detox Center in the Isle of Hope

Isle of Hope, A rehabilitation center isn’t a competition with, or an ingredient following the preparation of an abridged menu of services being prearranged precisely in advance. It’s not yet another soulless institution that churns patients through its doors to vacuum their money and then chases them out into the night with one hand raised dramatically over its head like some harkening back to the days when alcoholism was considered a moral failing rather than a disease.

The very idea that “you can’t call yourself an alcoholic until your liver fails” is repeated by many as if it were true, rather than just the subjective opinion of people who happen not to need many more insights from others about their malady and are too invested in not only denying their alcoholics themselves but pretending they know better than real doctors when someone’s condition truly is critical.

Luminous Care is the Most Comprehensive Drug Detox Center in the Isle of Hope. Our treatment programs are designed to tailor our clients to a range of clinical therapies. People approach their addiction problems in different ways and not just one type of therapy will work for them. The best way to consider this is by looking at the case study approach because every person faces their struggle with drug abuse or experimenting with drugs in unique ways, which is why we focus on assisting clients in finding out what made them fall into drug abuse and helping patients find out what kind of help they might need and how those issues may manifest themselves.

Luminous Care will not leave you in the dark. After your Luminous Care program has been completed, our therapists and staff will help you create a personalized aftercare plan and stay accessible to you in your recovery. When you are involved in a treatment program for addiction, having an aftercare plan is crucial to your success as it helps prepare you for when the time following treatment comes along.

Call us now – 833-422-5585 or For more information enquire us at info@theluminouscare.com