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Intervention on simple terms is an event or confrontation, created by family or friends for a person struggling with addiction, to understand they are going through a serious problem and they require support. The glamorised and modern society instils the wrong attitude and endorses alcohol or drugs. As alcohol or drugs hijacks pleasure and reward functioning of the brain and hooks a person to want it more and more. A person who is deeply involved in it isn’t aware that he is a victim of SUD or AUD, he might need help from someone who can help with the acuteness of the problem. An intervention is a small and crucial step that can help a person to understand in-depth of addiction and the after effects of it.

An Intervention from The Luminous Care is a carefully planned process where family and friends play a major role in englightning a person towards their path of recovery. Cohesively our counsellors, team members and family encourage and support a person to give them insights about their addiction.

At our Addiction Rehab In Florida, we provide intervention with a goal of helping a person choosing the right path of recovery. When a family and friends unfolds the topic, there are higher chances of blames, accusations, hurting sentiments and emotions due to which it creates a stress in person and a sense of being victimised for everything instead of help.

Most people will not seek treatment on their own and will require external motivation or assistance. In certain circumstances, staging a drug or alcohol intervention is the best way to bring your loved one to treatment. If the family member is abusing drugs, they need to get help from a professional Drug Addiction Treatment.

What happens during Intervention?

  • Root Causes for substance abuse that lead to destructive behaviour
  • Prearrange treatment plan
  • What if the person refuses to accept treatment

Drug Intervention can be a terrifying experience. It is critical to keep in mind and be ready for potential issues.

Get Help At The Luminous Care

A family doctor or local drug or alcohol rehabilitation centre is the first step toward the process. They would guide you to connect with qualified substance abuse interventionists.
When seeking drug intervention help, make sure you trust only qualified, accredited and licensed treatment centres of The Luminous Care.