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Affordable and effective Drug Detox Center in Hiltonia

Hiltonia, We make sure that patients of ours get the care they deserve. We do this in a way that only allows a limited number of people into this detox facility because not all individuals will be able to benefit from rehab at the same time.

That’s why our staff are trained to recognize symptoms and break down any problems you might encounter with swiftness to ensure long-term sobriety.

Not only are we able to develop plans for those of us who are here for treatment but we also show compassion towards your particular situation, especially in instances where you may feel alone or like someone is watching over you in some sort of protective way (only our specialists can help if you think that’s the case).

Our specialists have extensive knowledge about addiction treatment and know how important it is for your recovery if you feel supported by those who care about you during this difficult time. With that being said, not every person will benefit from the same treatment method so we understand why there are waiting lists to get admitted – because sometimes instead of helping addicts stay clean, rehab can become just another place for people to abuse drugs without consequence!

At our Luminous Care, we’re medical professionals. Our team has a strong background in health care and helping people to overcome addiction, both mental illness and physical illnesses alike. That’s why we’ve strived over the years to build up one of the most intricate technology platforms on the market today, allowing us to treat more patients than ever before while keeping costs low.

This system enables us to not only treat you in our state-of-the-art facilities here at home but also reach out across the globe with a spectrum of tailored addiction treatment options including much-needed prescription medications where applicable such as Methadone, Suboxone, and maintenance therapies to help curb your cravings for opiates when undergoing detoxification as part of chronic opiate addiction recovery programs.

Call us now – 833-422-5585 or For more information enquire us at info@theluminouscare.com