Looking for an addiction treatment Center in Hialeah, Florida?
Drug Rehab is a phycological & clinical approach to detox people from using drugs & other forms of addiction dependence. It prevents people from regularly consuming any sort of drugs, substance or street drugs, by treating their physical dependence using proper detox methods and procedures. Our mission extends support to the people who are willing to alleviate their lives by overthrowing the addiction.
The city Hialeah is located in Miami-Dade County, Florida. It had a population of 233,339 as per the 2019 US Census. Hialeah is the 6th largest city in Florida. It is a main city of the Miami metropolitan area, which was home to an estimated over 6 millions people at the 2018 census. It is located at the west-northwest of Miami, and remains the only place in the county, other than the well known Homestead, Florida, to have its own exclusive street grid numbered separately from the rest of the county. Which is otherwise based on Miami Avenue at Flagler Street in downtown Miami, the county seat.
Visit The Luminous Care addiction treatment centers within Florida
The Luminous Care’s treatment plans, following a multidisciplinary approach, treat co-occurring disorders such as mental illness & addiction issues by applying cutting edge methodologies and specific counseling strategies. Steps like Therapies, interventions & medications are part of every treatment plan to get our patients a successful outcome. Our team copes with a possible stimulation period with a comfortable approach, which supports the patient’s state of mind while on the ground to potential recovery.
Our addressal on relapse & co occurring disorders with a proper stint, eases the stabilization process & aftercare. We empower methodological techniques to assure patients a sound & seamless recovery experience.
Call us now – 833-422-5585 or For more information enquire us