Top Rated Drug Detox Center in Harlem Georgia
Harlem Georgia, Drug addiction and alcoholism a major problems in our nation. If you are tired of living with this every day but don’t know how to make it stop, give us a call. We offer drug and alcohol addiction recovery programs that require you to attend only three hours per week in the evenings rather than the traditional five days per week program which can be very challenging for those who participate in an occupational setting for example. One of these intensive outpatient programs includes individual sessions at least once per week.
Luminous Care is the Top Rated Drug Detox Center in Harlem Georgia that believes in supporting the well-being of its clients by understanding that no two people are alike. Though we practice recognized rehabilitative concepts, some alterations may be made to address the unique and specific needs of each individual at every stage of their recovery from drug use. Luminous Care is absolutely one of the best Drug Addiction Rehabs which believes that rehabilitation is achievable when a strong emphasis on transformation is combined with addressing risk factors associated with relapse. Our Medical Director’s care facility serves patients who have entered any phase of their treatment program and will continue to do so until they leave the facility in good standing.
When one chooses Luminous Care as their treatment center, they expect a team of caring experts who are not only willing to receive calls personally but also promise constant updates regarding the addict’s situation. We recognize that there is a very fine line between assisting someone with overcoming their tribulations and exploiting them once they are under your care.
Take extra special care when handling patients’ personal information, whether at home or in the office, because many drugs can be easily used for recreational purposes and confidentiality could be breached unknowingly even by your clients during casual conversations with friends or family members!
Call us now – 833-422-5585 or For more information enquire us at