Drinking Alcohol has its share of risks and problems associated with it. It can rapidly progress from an after-work or weekend habit to a disease that can have serious health, social, and economic implications. It’s challenging to get rid of this habit, but it isn’t impossible.
Alcoholism is more common among men than women between the age group of 18 to 25. Female alcohol addiction poses substantial risks to their health and well-being particularly young women in their late teens and early 20s. Women usually wait longer than men to seek help for addiction, resulting in a more severe progression of alcoholism.
Alcohol addiction-Side Effects in Women
Women are more at risk of both physical consequences and brain damage in case of long-term alcohol use than in men, even under similar given conditions. The reason for this is that female bodies contain less water and more fatty tissue and woman’s body doesn’t metabolize or get it out as quickly as men. The absorption of alcohol is also more in women.
Progression to alcoholism also happens much more quickly in a woman. They experience terrible health conditions such as alcohol-induced hepatitis, where the liver gets very inflamed and diseased or cirrhosis liver cancer, breast cancer, hampering one’s ability to bear a child, are all diseases that put women at high risk, even those who are moderate level drinkers.
Signs & Solutions
If a woman consumes alcohol as a means to relax, manage stress, reduce depression and anxiety or consumes alcohol routinely, even when they are aware of their responsibilities are trigger warning signs to seek help.
If you are worried or have concerns for yourself, your loved ones or a friend, first educate them on how it is impacting you/them. Recovery program for women is differently designed considering the female anatomy and physiology, addressing their situation and their reality. So, it is advisable to select individualized treatment plans specific to women. Call us now – 833-422-5585 or more information enquire us at info@localhost[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]