Affordable and effective Drug Detox Center in Mitchell
When searching for detox facilities in Florida, it’s important to get all of your questions answered regarding the facility and such. There are certain features available you may want to consider, so you can be sure you’re getting a high quality treatment center that includes those features.
One way to have those questions answered is by contacting our conveniently located inpatient detox programme which can assist you with finding the best quality residential treatment program that can help you get clean right away. Here at Luminous Care Detox Center we offer 24-hour assistance.
Luminous Care is the Affordable and effective Drug Detox Center in Mitchell. The detox facility assessment process begins with an investigation into your drug history.
This requires you to personally give the professional handling your assessment as much information regarding each type of substance or medication that has been abused by you or otherwise ingested.
They will inquire about a patient’s exact usage pattern, taking note of the amount taken and frequency of use for
each sedative, stimulant, intoxicant or other mind-altering substances involved.
Details about past medical, psychiatric and psychological treatment regimens are also required in order to achieve a full understanding of the nature and scope of an individual’s drug dependency. The detox clinic should keep detailed notes about this essential information along with any information gathered from any lab work performed in order to help formulate a customized plan best suited for your specific needs.
Our goal is to provide effective, safe, and healthy detox solutions. We do this by offering two different programs for those trying to get off of their addictions. The first would be described as an intensive program that offers severe withdrawal symptoms which are controlled through medications in order to ease the process of getting sober.