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Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) in Pompano Beach Florida

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is a well-accepted treatment for individuals with multiple and severe psychosocial conditions, including those who are chronically suicidal. Most of such patients have substance use disorders (SUDs), the health experts developed DBT for Substance Abusers, which integrates concepts and methods designed to promote self-denial and to lessen the length and adverse impact of relapses. Among these are dialectical abstinence, mindfulness, and attachment methods effective in treating personality disorders. Several randomized clinical trials have found that DBT for Substance Abusers decreased substance abuse in borderline personality disorder patients. The treatment may also help patients who have other severe disorders co-occurring with SUDs or who have not accepted other evidence-based SUD therapies.

Dialectical therapy works for the patient and the therapist both. It helps you to understand what is redundant and what is important to you. This is progressive and effective psychotherapy to treat psychological barriers to retaining the quality of your life. It eliminates the possibility of self-harming circumstances and revitalizes it.

Four Pillars

  • Mindfulness
         Being attentive to whatever is happening is Mindfulness. It helps you to realize your weaknesses and strengths as well.
  • Enhance Skills
         Be Interpersonal effective means not to flow with the temporary and aggressive emotional eruption.
  • Distress Tolerance
         This phase of therapy is the cornerstone for the foundation of recovery. It helps you to stay calm and watchful to the very root of emotions that prick you more often.
  • Identify, Accept, and Adapt
         In this final phase, you and your therapist both identify the cause of emotional disruption, where you let your therapist know what occupies your thoughts and your therapist implements the best recommendation.

Luminous Care has been witnessing great success in the deaddiction industry. The combination of experienced and skilled experts and the rejuvenating spirit of Pompano Beach can help you the way you desire.

Call us now – 833-422-5585 or For more information us at info@theluminouscare.com