Top Rated Detox and Rehabilitation Center in Lisman
Lisman is a small city and there also are some significant health troubles that many of its residents face. We can recite many of them: alcoholism, drug dependency, alcohol abuse, and many more like these. It is not easy to live with such a disorder, but if you know how to fight it with the help of Luminous Care Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Lisman things will become much easier for you and your family.
Luminous Care Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Lisman should be the right place for people who have serious diseases such as alcoholism, opiate dependence, etc. Asking one of our operators about treatment options might be the first step to finally defeat drinking or opioid addiction.
Medication and Alcohol Addiction have left you unsure of how to move forward. Luminous Care has expert medical staff and resources to help clients get back on track toward a healthy lifestyle. Our goal is that all our patients receive the care they require to manage addiction safely and more importantly, effectively.
We are dedicated to treating individuals for challenges relating to Alcohol or Drug Addiction through an individualized, holistic approach focusing on all aspects of an individual’s life that contributed to their decision to utilize these substances.
Luminous Care is the most exquisite place when it comes to getting the rest your mind, body, and soul need. Our Detoxification facility offers state-of-the-art treatment that caters to each patient because we understand how individuals require different levels of medical assistance with their recovery program as they work toward becoming sober.
We want to make it clear that no two patients will receive the same level of care during their time at Luminous Care which is the Top Rated Detox and Rehabilitation Center in Lisman; in fact, our staff is constantly revising treatment plans so as to incorporate new ideas that lead to higher chances of a positive outcome.
Call us now – 833-422-5585 or For more information enquire us at