Where can I find the best Intensive Outpatient Program in Port LaBelle?
Drugs are the biggest addiction for people who consume them on a daily basis and they’re also addicted to alcohol. People will often proudly drink alcohol, but forget that it’s actually really harmful to their health even though it can be fun at times. People who get into the habit of drinking or consuming drugs find it very difficult to get rid of their addictions even when they want to because the addiction takes over. Humans make a lot of mistakes in life and some of those mistakes cost us a lot of money, for example alcoholism makes people lose their jobs, puts them in debt and ultimately ruins their lives – an effect no one wants or deserves!
Luminous Care is the best Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Port LaBelle. Our staff strives to understand each patient when treating them in the best way possible. We treat patients seven days a week!
Doctors, nurses are inpatient service 24 hours per day to safely rehabilitate patients who are here at Luminous Care. Every patient that is admitted into our care is treated with the utmost care!
Our staff understands that during times of recovery, family members can feel overwhelmed and worried for their loved ones who have turned to us for help in all aspects of healing. It’s our commitment to not only assist in physical rehabilitation but also promote psychological well being so that all patients feel safe with us while they undergo treatment.
With patient privacy being at the forefront of privacy laws, it’s incredibly important for you to tell your doctor everything that is going on with you so that they can treat you properly. Patients who have a support network consisting of their loved ones and friends are often able to keep a positive outlook more easily which will help avoid many of the problems that may arise during treatment. They need their loved ones to stand by them 100% through thick and thin knowing how hard this decision was for them to make in the first place!