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Affordable and effective Out-patient Detox Center in Hogansville

Hogansville, One of the most important aspects of rehabilitation is getting patients to a place where they feel emotionally and physically comfortable so that they are strong enough from within to accept the challenges ahead. The experience may be seen as a detox precisely because it allows us to remove certain inputs that are impeding our growth and interfering with the positive contributions we can make to society.

It’s okay to require some time alone in a safe, secure, supportive healing environment where one can begin making better choices without outside sources of temptation present. This is what our clients deserve – no matter their circumstances or needs. A licensed medical director and nursing team are always available 24/7, just in case someone needs attention immediately.

Luminous Care is the best center for recovery from substance abuse in Hogansville. Our inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation programs for adults, adolescents, active military personnel, veterans, and the elderly are tailored to each patient’s individual needs. Psychotherapy and discharge planning are provided to patients by seasoned psychiatrists and addiction specialists; our dedicated staff combines many years of experience with their compassionate demeanor.

As professionals we understand that people suffering from addiction tend to act irrationally or violently at times; we know first-hand how much damage can be caused by a single unnecessary moment of weakness when your mind is clouded or fogged up.

Luminous Care is the leading provider of holistic care. We offer an exciting range of different services designed to help you recover from your treatment so that you can resume your normal life with confidence. Our list of services includes individual therapies, couple therapy, family counseling, life coaching, and much more. When it comes to mental health disorders, a compassionate therapist is just what you need to get back on track!

Call us now – 833-422-5585 or For more information enquire us at info@theluminouscare.com